That was when I got my accident. My rifle blew up, and took some of my hand away. And I got home. Steve was in the front of me, it was lucky I didn't shot him. And, after that, there was a little bit of peace. I got nearly into a little bit of trouble because the bloke, there was a licensed hunter, he caught us, me and Steve; and the woman was given us away, she said she saw two men with guns down the bottom of the valley. And he turned up. We knew, we saw him coming from a distance so we hid our rifles. And he just came up and said "Where are the rifles?" and we said "We haven't got any". He said "Come on, give it to me!" We said "We haven't got any!" But he was walking on the sharp <end> and the damn thing he stepped onto it. Because there wasn't enough cover on it. So he got that rifle, and he took it into town to the mayor. And then he told them it was from me, so I had to go into town. Luckily my father was a friend of that mayor, and he called me in, and he showed me the rifle standing there in his room, and he said "Do you know what this is?", and I said "Yes". And he showed me the bullets I had in, and he said, "This bullet can kill two kilometers away!" And I didn't say nothing. And I thought, if he is going to report me to the authorities, then I am in the knast what they call it, in the jail. But because he knew my father he said he wouldn't like to catch me again with anything like that. So anyhow, that was the end of it.
But on the other hand, we were lucky, me and Steve as well that we were still alive, because we used to pick up hand grenades and take them home, and when there was a bit of quiet we used to throw them, they exploded. Pulled the safety pin out, and throw it. And there was one that didn't explode. So what did we do? We went down and we picked it up, again. We shouldn't muck around once the pin is out, the safety pin. And I was going to pick it up, I was going to throw it. And Steve said to me, "Hang on a minute, I'm going to hold that with you, so if it blows it blows both of us, not just you." <chuckle>
Crazy things, crazy things kids do. Anyhow, we threw it again, and it exploded the second time. But it wasn't in our hands, thank god.